Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Differences in Indian healthcare #2

Caste system of health care:
CMC has four layers of care according to wealth. If this were not by itself very surprising, it is up to the physician to decide which level the patient falls into

1. 10-15% of the patients are judged to be so poor that they receive care at absolutely no cost. The physician is then charged with keeping the cost of care to a minimum, using generics when possible, and using ultrasound when possible instead of ct scans

2. Most of the patients receive a discount of 20%,which they are expected to pay. If they cannot, they may not receive the care at all.

3. Patients with insurance are treated much like they are in the united states, they pay for insurance or get it through their employer, and pay a deductible

4. Patients without insurance who are thought to be wealthy enough must pay full price, up front for every part of their care.

Most impressive about the last item is that wealthy patients know up front that half of their bill is used to treat poor patients who cannot afford care. Every doctor we've spoken with thus-far has been especially proud of this point. Though this may happen in a much more limited sense in some American hospitals, it is definitely not blatantly advertised in America

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